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native advertising:
Simple yet powerful.

Designed to empower you with the tools and support needed to create authentic connections and achieve outstanding results.

Efficient setup

Quick and easy setup ensures your native campaign is ready rapidly, letting you focus on what’s important.

Extensive reach

Access Europe’s top publishers individually or through our curated premium network for optimal brand exposure.

Exceptional results

Omni-contextual targeting with deep learning ensures superior outcomes and protects brand safety and privacy.

Efficient setup of Native Advertising on Readpeak: Create Ads → Targeting → Media Selection → Publish
Extensive reach of Native Advertising on Readpeak
Exceptional Results of Native Advertising on Readpeak: Machine Learning, Semantics, Contextual, Performance, Site, Placement, Creative

Prepare for success

It’s OK to take control

Whether it’s geo, time, or device targeting, budget, campaign pacing, CPC bidding, conversion tracking, or unlimited ad variations, you have the full autonomy over every aspect of your campaign.

Man with tablet device, working on native advertising, always in control
Maximize Performance

Without third-party cookies, Readpeak’s deep learning engine analyzes bid stream data, contextual signals, semantic insights, and placement effectiveness to optimize creative and drive exceptional results through programmatic buying

Readpeak technology allows you to optimize to maximize performance: inventory management, frequency capping, geo-targeting
Premium Philosophy

Our algorithms ensure that your campaign’s KPIs are met. Plus, we offer CPC bidding at both the campaign and site level. Additionally, our direct partnerships with publishers and the use of premium, custom-made native templates enhance campaign performance, delivering a seamless and high-quality user experience.

Female on laptop
Clarity & Visibility

Benefit from automated reporting and seamless API access that creates transparent insights into every detail of your campaign, including impressions, clicks, CTR, and conversions at publisher, section and segment level, enabling you to report effortlessly.

Readpeak API and reporting: set and track your spend, CPC, CTR, Conversions.

“Thanks to Readpeak’s platform, we’ve got a wide reach and quality traffic. Our collaboration let us work dynamically with the budget and the material. Readpeak is a modern platform that has suited us perfectly.”

“The results from the native advertising campaign were impressive, significantly surpassing those from standard display ads in nearly all tested metrics ”

“Readpeak is a perfect platform for companies and organizations that are fast-paced, and data-driven. You can see instant results, optimize, and make changes according to your company goals. It is unlike any other native advertising setup.”

“When we use Readpeak’s platform, we see unprecedented effectiveness and quality, which means that we now use it in our always-on strategy in the Nordics”

“Readpeak’s transparency is excellent. We can see how different media perform in the campaign and set specific bids for each publisher and news site. The UX is good and the platform is very intuitive. It’s easy to navigate and build campaigns.”

“In this day and age, with privacy and the depreciation of the cookie, the value for a strong CPC platform with only premium titles has increased.”

We’ve earned their trust

Used by over 250 agencies, our platform ensures you hit your targets.

Our DSP empowers agencies with advanced optimization tools, state-of-the-art machine learning, and a seamless UX to enhance programmatic native advertising campaigns

From regional to global brands: Smart brands think native

Get more for the same ad spend with our clever pricing model. Achieve better brand results and higher ROI by eliminating unnecessary costs and intermediaries in a premium environment.

Track benefits, 30% increase in top of mind, 20% increase in ad recall
Unlock new revenue opportunities with programmatic native: Tailored for publishers

Unlock new revenue streams with Readpeak’s innovative native ad solutions tailored for publishers, ensuring business impact and future proof investments that re-creates user satisfaction.

Device showing ads

Let’s build your first campaign

Join the world of Readpeak and be the next of +3000 other happy customers. We can´t wait to hear from you!

Native campaigns as they should be

Tell your brand’s story with Content Native

Choose this, if you want to promote content from a blog or landing page

Tell your brand's story with <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-primary-color">Content Native</mark>

Get actions with Product Native

Choose this, if you want to promote a product, event, front page or a web store

Get actions with <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-primary-color">Product Native</mark>

Create unique user journeys with Instant Article

Market your content online without building a separate landing page. Your content will be displayed as an overlay on your website

Create unique user journeys with  <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-primary-color">Instant Article</mark>

Move your ads with Video Native

Combine the dynamic impact of video with the proven success of native ads to maximise readers’ engagement

Move your ads with <mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-primary-color">Video Native</mark>

Let’s get you started

Discover how we redefine native advertising. Get in touch with a local expert today.

Great minds think native

We believe that impactful marketing starts with understanding our clients’ goals and challenges. That’s why we craft newsletters designed to share insights, strategies, and success stories that help you achieve your marketing objectives.