If you’re looking to enhance the performance and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, Readpeak offers advanced tracking capabilities that provide valuable insights into user behavior, optimize conversion rates, and measure campaign success with precision.

One of Readpeak’s standout features is its client-specific tracking code, also known as the tracking pixel. This tool allows advertisers and agencies to track conversions and performance metrics accurately.

  • Precise time-tracking:
    Track the time users spend on your site and understand which content resonates best with your audience. Identify the media channels that drive the most engagement.
  • Conversion tracking:
    Set conversion goals within the Readpeak platform and track them in real time through your dashboard. Measure campaign effectiveness and optimize for improved results.

For Advertisers:

  1. Navigate to your campaign page on the Readpeak platform.
  2. Locate the Tracking tab in the upper left corner.
  3. Copy the provided tracking pixel.
  4. Implement the pixel in your website’s header or footer section on every page.
  5. Monitor data and performance through the Dashboard.

For Agencies:

  1. Access the client list on the Readpeak platform.
  2. Find the Tracking button for the specific client.
  3. Click the button to reveal the client-specific tracking scripts.
  4. Copy the provided tracking pixel.
  5. Implement the pixel in the client’s website header or footer on every page.
  6. Monitor data and performance via the Dashboard.

Important note:

The tracking script is client-specific, so ensure you’re using the correct pixel for each client within the platform.

By leveraging the Readpeak tracking pixel, you can gain actionable insights into user behavior, optimize your campaigns for better performance, and drive enhanced results. Whether you’re an advertiser or agency, utilizing data-driven decision-making can take your advertising strategies to new heights.