Someone once said that we often overestimate what we can accomplish in a month but underestimate what we can achieve in a year. This statement rings true. And for many of us, as we approach Christmas and New Year, we start reflecting on what’s behind us and what’s to come.

This year has been remarkable for us at Readpeak in many ways

In January, we launched our first AI ad creation feature, marking our entry as a forerunner into a new era of powerful AI functionalities in Ad-tech. 

This isn’t just about us; the entire industry will see groundbreaking AI capabilities come to life and boundaries being pushed further. While we may see some useless AI features (not by us 🙂 ) in the next few years, we are confident that many thoughtfully designed, industry-shaping AI solutions will emerge, and Readpeak will play our solid part in that.

One of the most exciting highlights of the year was seeing months of preparation by our team leading up to our expansions into the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. These three new markets are led by experienced, talented, and dynamic leaders who embody our culture and philosophy to the fullest.

This year also marks a significant milestone: ten years of building Readpeak. Completing this chapter fills us with profound pride and gratitude. We’ve created a legacy and left a lasting mark with what we’ve built and what we stand for.

But our focus is fixed on the future. 

We remain deeply committed to our mission and are fully invested in writing the next chapter of our story. We’re on the move, determined to elevate our strong foundation to become a global category leader. Next year, we’ll switch gears, level up, and make an impact that you’ll both see and feel.

Why are we so passionate about what we do?

It’s you—our +2,300 active users, representing over +6,000 brands and publisher partners across nine markets. 

Your trust in us, our constructive and honest dialogues, and your shared vision for premium native advertising drive us forward, and it will take us to the ends of the earth. Thank you for being part of our journey. The best is yet to come.

With wishes for a beautiful Christmas and a celebrative New Year!

Tomas Forsbäck, Group CEO