Study of FMCG Success

Time frame: 3.10.2023-28.12.2023

Budget: 500 000 DKK

Results compated to Standard Display:

+30% More effective in ToM

20% Better in ad recall

5% Better at driving unaided awareness

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Enhancing Brand Impact with Native Advertising

In a digital advertising landscape increasingly dominated by the need for engagement and brand retention, OMD Denmark partnered with a leading FMCG chain to explore the effectiveness of native advertising over traditional display ads. This case study delves into the strategic execution and remarkable results of a carefully controlled campaign, demonstrating native advertising’s superior capacity for maintaining brand prominence and communication efficiency.

From Hypothesis to Execution

Previous Native Advertising campaigns and tests have established that customer flows, price per customer and ROI are highly attractive when Native Advertising is deployed. 

This coupled with the fact that Native Advertising can significantly drive more clicks/traffic than standard display advertising and that the quality of the traffic generated is significantly better than standard display advertising, leads to the hypothesis that Native advertising can also serve as a medium to maintain or even strengthen the client in more typical brand lift metrics.

Campaign Design:

  • Client: A well-known FMCG chain, one of the largest in Denmark.
  • Objective: To validate the hypothesis that native advertising can enhance brand consciousness and showcase the promotion effect of native ads in comparionson to standard display ads.
  • Control Setup: Managed by Norstat, the study included a minimum of 333 respondents per group across three segments: Display Group, Native Group, and Control Group.
  • Budget: Approximately 500,000 DKK.
  • Media Channels and Formats: Utilized Programmatic Display and Programmatic Native across standard display and native ad formats.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Reach/Frequency
  • Brand Lift (including Ad Recall, Top of Mind, Unaided Awareness, and Favourability)


The campaign aimed to illuminate the comparative effectiveness of native advertising against standard display advertising, focusing on brand engagement metrics.


The campaign strategically deployed both native and display ads, measuring their impact through rigorous audience analysis. This approach allowed OMD Denmark to directly compare the performance of each format in real-time, underpinned by data-driven insights.

"The results from the native advertising campaign were impressive, significantly surpassing those from standard display ads in nearly all tested metrics. Working with Readpeak's platform made it easy to deploy, monitor, and analyze the campaign, providing us with the insights needed to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently"

Steffen Holm, Digital Client Director, OMD Denmark

Results and Impact

The results underscored the efficacy of native advertising:

  • Ad Recall: Native ads outperformed display ads significantly in ad recall, ensuring that the brand remained memorable among consumers, with a 20% better ad recall.
  • Top of Mind: Native advertising was 30% more effective in keeping the client top of mind.
  • Unaided Awareness: Achieved a 5% higher score in driving unaided brand awareness compared to display ads.
  • Favourability: Both formats showed positive and equal impacts on brand favourability.

Graph from the Brand Lift Study


This campaign illustrates the effectiveness of native advertising in boosting both brand awareness and engagement. Native ads outperformed display ads in key brand metrics, showing their value for top and middle funnel marketing. In other words, native advertising is a 'one-stop shop' for top and mid-funnel marketing. Using Readpeak's platform made deployment and optimization straightforward, allowing for quick, data-driven adjustments. Native advertising proved to be a strong tool for driving quality traffic and enhancing brand retention.

 Readpeak  is a platform to reach your  target audience through  native advertising 

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