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Amidays x Inatur

Driving success through precision targeting

Time Frame: JUN - JUL 2024
Geotargeting: Norway
CTR vs. benchmark
+ %
CPC vs. benchmark
- %
Conversions vs. benchmark
Time spent vs. benchmark
+ %

How Inatur and Amidays increased purchases by 100% through Readpeak`s platform


Inatur, Norway’s largest marketplace for hunting, fishing, and cabins, wanted to reach people interested in exclusive hunting opportunities. Therefore, Amidays created a campaign to target this audience through advertisements on relevant websites.

How to reach a narrow, attractive audience:

Inatur’s goal was to reach individuals looking for long-term hunting lease agreements. This required advertising on niche sites that appeal to this target audience and capture the attention of a busy audience—all in a cost-effective way.

Precise advertising without personal data:

Amidays implemented a strategy focused on precision and relevance:

Website selection: Ads were placed on carefully selected niche sites, ensuring they reached the right audience without using personal data.

Tailored messaging: The campaign content highlighted the unique opportunities offered by long-term hunting lease agreements through Inatur.

Cost-effective execution: Even with placements on premium websites, costs were kept low without compromising the campaign’s results.

Strong engagement and efficient use of resources:

The campaign delivered impressive results. (Benchmarks are based on average results from the selected publishers)

Click-through rate (CTR): 1.2%, well above the benchmark of 0.75%, showing that the campaign effectively reached its target audience.

Cost per click (CPC): Cost-effective purchases at 10 NOK per click, below the average of 11.7 NOK.

Conversions: Twice as many actual purchases through the advertising, compared to native advertising with audience targeting with a similar budget.

Average time spent: Over 5 minutes per visit, indicating that users not only clicked but also spent significant time exploring the content. This shows a high level of engagement and interest in the campaign’s message (standard average time spent is around 2 minutes via Readpeak).


Inatur and Amidays reached a narrow and attractive audience by selecting the right websites and creating targeted content. The campaign’s success highlights the importance of precise digital marketing and can serve as a model for others looking to reach specific audiences effectively.

“Thanks to Readpeak’s unique inventory, including premium placements on websites like Dagens Næringsliv, combined with effective optimization, we were able to deliver exceptional results for our client. Readpeak’s technology enables us to reach a sought-after, narrow target audience in a safe environment without using personal data.”