Before delving into essential tips for creating impactful native advertising campaigns, let’s underscore some vital facts about our advertising platform.

Our advertising strategy revolves around native ads distributed across various media platforms. When users interact with these ads, they are directed to the advertiser’s page for further engagement.

We strictly adhere to local advertising regulations and guidelines. Advertisers should ensure their creatives comply with these standards. In cases of uncertainty or borderline content, reach out to our local sales team for clarification.

We offer three distinct ad formats: Content Native, Product Native, and Instant Article. For detailed specifications on each format, refer to the respective product pages. Here are some basic guidelines from a creative perspective:

  • Content Native:
    • Long text version:
      • Headline: Up to 70 characters (including spaces)
      • Article Summary: Up to 120 characters (including spaces)
    • Short text version:
      • Headline: Up to 25 characters (including spaces)
      • Article Summary: Up to 40 characters (including spaces)
    • Other elements:
      • Advertiser Name: Limited to 25 characters
      • Call-to-Action (CTA): Should be concise, within 20 characters
      • Theme: Should be within 20 characters
      • Images: Ideally 1200px width and 628px height
    • Note: In Content Native campaigns, images should not contain text or logos.
  • Product Native:
    • Follows a more sales-oriented approach. Similar creative guidelines apply as for Content Native, with an emphasis on product information and offers.
  • Instant Article:
    • Follows the same creative guidelines as Content Native.

Important: To maximize access to all available ad placements, we recommend testing both long and short text versions. Different placements may require varying character limits for headlines and body texts. Experimenting with both formats ensures your ads fit seamlessly across all inventory options.

The image size may vary across different media channels, potentially resulting in varied cropping. Follow our safe zone instructions to ensure that the critical parts of an image are always displayed.

  • Safe-zone size: 628px x 400px inside the 1200px x 628px picture.
  • Aspect ratio: The picture aspect ratio can differ between publishers, leading to potential cropping for the best fit. Place crucial image components within the 628x400px safe-zone at the center of the picture.

  • Catchy headlines:
    Incorporate numbers, questions, challenges, keywords, comparisons, claims, proof, and quotes for maximum impact.
  • Clear messaging:
    Ensure concise content that communicates product or service benefits clearly. Explicit promises can create a strong value proposition.
  • Targeted messaging:
    Tailor content to resonate with the intended audience. Personalization can significantly enhance engagement.
  • Authenticity:
    Native ads perform best when they feel genuine. Use language and tone consistent with the hosting publication.
  • Visual elements:
    High-quality, relevant images contribute to enhanced engagement. Positive visuals, including happy faces, tend to perform well.
  • Call to action (CTA):
    Include a clear CTA prompting readers to take action. Simplify the process for further engagement.
  • Testing and optimization:
    Experiment with different elements to find the most effective approach. Leverage data analytics for campaign optimization.

  • Avoid clickbait tactics to maintain relevancy and quality.
  • Strive for a balanced approach between attention-grabbing headlines and clear messaging.
  • Utilize data analytics tools for tracking and optimization.

By integrating these strategies, you can develop native advertising campaigns that effectively engage your audience and achieve your campaign goals.