Instant Article is an innovative solution designed to simplify and enhance how you run native advertising campaigns. It offers an efficient, streamlined way to create high-engagement landing pages without the need for separate pages on your website. With Instant Article, you can integrate native ads, landing pages, and conversion tracking—all within one campaign.

How Instant Article works

Unlike traditional landing pages, Instant Article doesn’t require additional development. Instead, it creates an overlay landing page that can be triggered on any chosen page of your website. This could be your homepage, a product page, or a signup page, allowing for seamless navigation and increased engagement.

When a user clicks a native ad, the Instant Article landing page opens in an overlay format. Visitors can read the content, click through multiple pieces (e.g. blogs or promotional material) and easily continue browsing your website when they’re done.

Setting up Instant Article: A step-by-step guide

Start by adding a small script to the header section of your website. It’s crucial that this script loads before any consent pop-ups, ensuring the best possible user experience. Once implemented, this enables the overlay feature for Instant Article.

Within the Readpeak platform, build your Instant Article campaign by adding all the content you want to showcase (such as text, images, or video). Set up the campaign as you normally would, but with the added bonus of this instant landing page feature. Your native ads will now be seamlessly linked to the Instant Article overlay.

3. The Instant Article overlay

When users click on a native ad, the overlay landing page will appear on the page of your choice (front page, product page, etc.). This page contains your full article or multiple pieces of content. As a result, users can read directly from the article overlay and then continue browsing your site without disruption.

You decide where users go after they read your Instant Article. Whether it’s a specific product page, your homepage, or another key section of your site, you control the user’s path. This strategic placement can help increase conversions or direct traffic to important areas.

Benefits of using Instant Article
  • No need for a separate landing page: With Instant Article, you don’t need to create a landing page on your site. The overlay page is built for you automatically, saving both time and effort.
  • Comprehensive data insights: Track native campaign data, Instant Article reader behavior, and conversion data—all from one dashboard. This enables you to have a clear view of the user journey, from the moment they click your ad to the time they convert.
  • Fully customizable experience: Choose where the Instant Article appears and where users will be directed after reading. This gives you flexibility in designing your campaign to maximize results.

Additional metrics offered by Instant Article

Instant Article gives you extended data compared to standard native campaigns. Some of the unique metrics include:

  • Engaging users: Number of users who loaded and engaged with the article.
  • Articles read: If multiple articles are included, this tracks how many articles were read in total.
  • Avg. articles read: The average number of articles read per user.
  • Total time spent: How much time users collectively spent reading the content.
  • Interactions: Measures user actions like clicking to another article, engaging with a link, or closing the overlay to continue browsing your website.

Instant Article offers a fast, seamless way to manage your native advertising campaigns. By reducing the need for landing pages and integrating content into an overlay format, it maximizes user engagement while minimizing friction. Monitor your campaign’s performance in one dashboard and refine your approach in real-time.

Try Instant Article today and discover how it can transform your native advertising strategies into high-performing campaigns.