Creating a successful native advertising campaign begins with thorough preparation. By taking the following steps, you’ll set yourself up for a smooth campaign launch and better results.

1. Define your campaign objectives and KPIs

Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve with your campaign. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads? For example, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, your KPIs might include metrics like impressions and reach. If lead generation is your focus, you’ll want to track conversion rates and cost per lead (CPL).

If you’re running a campaign for an e-commerce site, your objective might be to drive traffic to a new product page. In this case, a key KPI could be the click-through rate (CTR) on your native ads, as well as the conversion rate on the product page.

2. Prepare your landing page/URL

Make sure you have a landing page or URL ready to direct traffic from your native ads. This page should be optimized for conversions, whether you’re using it to capture leads, showcase a product, or provide more information. Consider using blog articles, product pages, or lead magnet pages to keep visitors engaged.

If your campaign promotes a downloadable eBook, your landing page should include a strong call to action (CTA) encouraging visitors to fill out a form in exchange for the eBook. Ensure that the page is visually appealing and that the CTA is prominently displayed.

3. Plan ad variations

Create between 3 and 8 ad variations, each with different headlines, teasers, and images. This approach allows you to test what resonates best with your audience. You can also use our AI-Ads tool on the campaign page to generate additional variations quickly and efficiently.

For a campaign promoting an eBook on digital marketing strategies, you could create variations like these: Headline 1: “Unlock expert digital marketing insights – download our free eBook” and Headline 2: “Get the latest strategies in digital marketing – free eBook available now”. Images could include a professional desk setup with the eBook cover displayed on a tablet, or a person reading the eBook on a laptop, focusing on the eBook content.

Testing these variations will help you identify which combination drives the most engagement.

4. Budget planning

Determine your campaign budget based on your objectives and the results you want to achieve. While there’s no set minimum or maximum spend requirement, we recommend allocating around 3000€ for a test campaign. This amount should help you gather enough traffic to assess your campaign’s effectiveness and make data-driven decisions for future efforts.

If your goal is to generate leads, and you estimate that each lead costs about 10€, a 3000€ budget would allow you to acquire around 300 leads, giving you a solid foundation to evaluate your campaign’s success.

5. Set up conversion tracking and UTM parameters

Ensure that your UTM parameters are in place to track the performance of your campaign accurately. You can use our dynamic UTM settings for automatic tracking. Additionally, consider implementing click and impression trackers to get a comprehensive view of your campaign’s effectiveness.

If your campaign drives traffic to multiple landing pages, using UTM parameters like utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign will help you track which ads and channels are driving the most conversions. This data is crucial for optimizing future campaigns.

With these steps completed, you’re ready to launch your native campaign efficiently and effectively. Remember, a well-prepared campaign is more likely to succeed, so take the time to get everything in place before you hit the ‘Go’ button.